LetsFly is one of the few organizations utilizing cooperative principles to make flying affordable and aviator skills available for everyone. Our Guarantee: If you can show us an established company that is less expensive to Learn To Fly, and obtain the skills of an aviator, we will provide our aviator training at no cost. Take a discovery lesson today and learn why thousands are using aviators skills to become successful in and out of aviation. Discover a whole new world of career possibilities and learn how the cost of flying can literally be cut in half.

Aviator Skill Training From Home
- Gain a valuable skill and initial pilots license for less than the cost of piano lessons
- Our program is designed to transfer proven skills of success to any career or venture in life.
- Ask us about our specialized aviator training for athletes and sports enthusiasts.
- Ask about our young aviator program. (kids 8-14 can learn for free)
- Are you a current pilot? Ask about our transition program from pilot to aviator.
Join Or Start A Local LetsFly Cooperative Today
Contact us: letsflysg@gmail.com or text us at 435-319-0889