
Mission Statement: Help others gain valuable aviator skills, obtain training at a fraction of the cost, and build economical flight time. Our primary emphasis is on giving kids ages 8-18+ a purpose and a skill, while helping adults discover exciting career possibilities.

Situation Analysis:

            Industry Situation:   

There is a severe pilot shortage in the USA. Airlines are cancelling flights a day due to lack of pilots. Very few training companies have utilized modern simulator technology, or cooperative principles to solve this problem. According to Salary.com, the average pilot pay is just over $200,000 dollars. The demand for pilot training, aviator skills training, and time building has skyrocketed.  

            Our Situation:  Our cooperative business model and one of a kind aviator training program puts us in a strong position to service the training market by making it affordable for students to learn to fly, and gain valuable skills in and out of aviation. An aviation simulator has been proven to be the best learning tool available today. In and out of aviation.

            We have two powerful weapons in our arsenal to help solve the pilot shortage. One is the exclusive use of our cooperative program that is known for its ability to provide flight time at a fraction of the cost of any other program. The other is our one of a kind mobile simulator training program. 

            Our Short Term Objective:  To help local cooperatives provide valuable aviator skills to the general public, give kids a purpose, help adults discover exciting career possibilities, and make flying affordable.

            Our Long Term Objective:  Duplicate the LetsFly Cooperative program at other locations. If there’s no LetsFly cooperative program available locally, contact us for details on getting one started. 

  Target Audience: 

            The first target includes the large certified pilot base. This market includes pilots that want to upgrade their skills, as well as pilots that want to build time quickly and move on to a high paying airline job. By showing them a way to cut their flying costs, learn aviator skills, and gain experience in a state-of-the-art, technically advanced aircraft, we can help local cooperatives capture a large share of this market and save student’s thousands of dollars.

            The second target is the population in general. An aviation flight simulator is a phenomenal learning tool, both in and out of aviation. As a result, anyone that wishes to excel in self mastery and become highly successful in any career or venture can utilize a flight simulator to learn these crossover skills to a higher level of proficiency.

      The third and possibly the best market of all are the parents who would like to help their kids learn valuable skills that have the potential of generating excellent income in the future. Our mobile flight simulator and aviator training is the perfect solution. We have the capability to start training a child at age 8. They can get their initial pilots license at age 14 and gain valuable aviator skills for less than the cost of piano lessons. 

            Tactics and Strategies:  

Duplicate and expand the LetsFly cooperative system.   


A. Aircraft:  We highly recommend Light Sport Aircraft for time building and learning to fly. Other aircraft may be utilized by local cooperatives based on preference.

B. Mobile Flight Simulator: Mobile/ in home flight simulation geared towards learning to fly and acquiring aviator skills. This approach to create an aviator is unique to LetsFly cooperatives. We’ve structured our mobile aviator training to help kids and adults learn the skills to become successful in any career or venture.

C. LetsFly Cooperative System: Our cooperative program has been widely recognized as the most economical way to own and fly an aircraft. The LetsFly Cooperative system is a hybrid model patterned after other successful cooperatives and real estate principles that have been modified, copyrighted, and trademark protected to fit an aviation application. The result is the most economical way to Learn To Fly, build flight time, and achieve a high level of success.


LetsFly is in a league of its own when it comes to cooperative shared ownership and mobile aviator training. There is no competition. We have refined this process through experience over the last 25+ years.

Aviator Training:

      The average cost for a private pilot’s license is $17,500 and takes an average of 70 hours flight time to complete. The initial solo and (student) pilots license makes up about 1/3 of the cost of a private license. Utilizing our cooperative mobile flight training system results in a savings of $2,150, and is designed to cut the time to complete a private pilot’s license down by 30 hours resulting in an additional savings of $5,400 dollars (30 hours of aircraft rental at $180/hour=$5,400) Joining a local LetsFly cooperative can result in flight time at a fraction of the cost of the going aircraft rental rate. But the most significant advantage is gaining the skills of an aviator that will help individuals becoming successful at anything in life.

 What is included in aviator training?

An Initial FAA issued pilots license if desired ( Minimum age 14)

Aviator skills training

Certified Flight Instructor time and final prep

Books and materials

Training syllabus

24 lessons